Our Resources

2024 Compensation & Benefits Guidelines Now Available

On our CONGREGATIONAL RESOURCES PAGE you will find the 2024 Suggested Compensation and Benefit Guidelines, which have been updated from the previous year. 




Abortion / Pro-Life Resources: CLICK HERE

Administrators’ Conference: CLICK HERE

Advent Social Media Images: CLICK HERE

All Professional Church Workers’ Conference: CLICK HERE

Archives (instructions for congregational archives): CLICK HERE

A-Z Index of Synod (LCMS) Resources: CLICK HERE



Best Practices of Outreach Ministries of Lutheran Schools As a Faith Forming Ecosystem (Rev. Dr. Marvin Bergman, 2015): CLICK HERE

Business and Finance Documents (Congregational resources including compensation & benefits, manuals, bylaws, etc.): CLICK HERE

Bylaws, 2022 Nebraska District: CLICK HERE



Call Process and Documents (What to do when your pastor receives a call; vacancy/supply pastor information; calling pastors, DCEs, and teachers): CLICK HERE

Campus Ministry (Learn more and connect students): CLICK HERE

Church Worker, Congregation, and School Anniversaries: CLICK HERE

Church Worker Debt Retirement (forms and terms): CLICK HERE

Church Worker Wellness (CPS, counseling, financial planning, etc.) CLICK HERE

Compensation and Benefits Guidelines: CLICK HERE

Compensating Guest/Supply/Vacancy Pastors: CLICK HERE

Congregational and District Archives (Prepare, maintain, preserve congregational historical records): CLICK HERE

Congregation Remittances (Mission and Ministry Support to the District): DOWNLOAD FORM

Congregational Resources: CLICK HERE

Constitution and Bylaws Guidelines for Congregations: CLICK HERE

Counseling—GracePoint Institute for Relational Health: CLICK HERE



Debt, Church Worker Debt Retirement: CLICK HERE

Directors of Christian Education (DCE): CLICK HERE

Disaster Response Information (including LERT and Comfort Dogs): CLICK HERE

District Archives: CLICK HERE

District Bylaws (2022)CLICK HERE

District Convention: CLICK HERE

District Reporter newsletter (subscribe, archive): CLICK HERE

District Youth Gathering (High School): CLICK HERE



Educator and School Forms (includes Annual Reporting Form, Application for Inactive Status, Application for Reinstatement, Lutheran Annual Form): CLICK HERE

Education and Youth Newsletter Archive: CLICK HERE

Educator Awards: CLICK HERE

Employee Benefits for Church Workers: CLICK HERE

Employment Resource Manual: CLICK HERE



Gift Planning (and LCMS Foundation): CLICK HERE

Gift Planning Resources for Congregations (content for newsletters and bulletins): CLICK HERE 

GracePoint Institute for Relational Health: CLICK HERE

Guest (supply) Pastors: CLICK HERE

Guidelines for Constitutions and Bylaws of Lutheran Congregations: CLICK HERE

Guidelines for Constitutions and Bylaws of Small and Developing Lutheran Congregations: CLICK HERE



Handbook, LCMS Constitution, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation (2023): CLICK HERE

Health and Wellness, Parish: CLICK HERE

Hearts for Jesus archive: CLICK HERE



Lent Social Media Images: CLICK HERE

Life Resources (Pro-life and abortion recovery information): CLICK HERE

LCEF (Lutheran Church Extension Fund): CLICK HERE

LCMS A-Z Index of Resources: CLICK HERE

LCMS Foundation (Gift Planning): CLICK HERE

Lutheran Education and Youth Ministry: CLICK HERE

Lutheran Schools Statistics: CLICK HERE



Making Disciples for Life: CLICK HERE

Manuals for Congregational Business Managers and Treasurers: CLICK HERE

Marriage Policy for LCMS Member Congregations: CLICK HERE

Middle School Youth Gathering: CLICK HERE

Missional Communities Workshop: Audio Files HERE //  Handouts HERE

Mission Grant Process & Application: CLICK HERE



Newsletters, Education & Youth Newsletter Archive (Sharing His Heart–DCE newsletter, In the Loop–Administrator newsletter, Tidbits–Early Childhood Educator newsletter): CLICK HERE 

Newsletter, District Reporter: CLICK HERE

Newsletter, Weekly Update: CLICK HERE



Obituaries (Nebraska District rostered church workers): CLICK HERE



Parish Health and Wellness / Parish Nursing: CLICK HERE

Partnership Project documents: CLICK HERE

Pastoral Calls: CLICK HERE

Pastoral Vacancies: CLICK HERE

Pastors’ Conference: CLICK HERE

Pastors’ Conferences Videos and Files Archives: CLICK HERE

Pastors, Resources:  CLICK HERE

Personnel Manual Prototype for Congregations and Districts: CLICK HERE

Project Compass forms: CLICK HERE

Protecting Your Ministry from Sexual Orientation and Gender Idenity Lawsuits: CLICK HERE



Record Retention Recommendations: CLICK HERE

Remittances, Congregation (Mission and Ministry Support to the District): DOWNLOAD FORM

Reporter (Nebraska District): CLICK HERE

Resources for Parish Health (includes accessibility, ministry to those with disabilities, domestic violence, etc.): CLICK HERE

Resources for Pastors: CLICK HERE

Revising Congregational Constitutions and Bylaws (Guidelines): CLICK HERE



Scholarships Information: CLICK HERE

Scholarship Forms, District Student Aid: CLICK HERE

Scholarship Forms, Lutheran Laymen’s League: CLICK HERE

Social Issues (Synod Resources on Social Issues)  CLICK HERE

Social Media Images, Advent & Lent: CLICK HERE

Statistics, Lutheran Schools: CLICK HERE

Stewardship: CLICK HERE

  • Concordia Journal, Spring 2020–Stewardship EditionCLICK HERE
  • Stewardship Under the Cross–Stewardship for the Confessional Lutheran ParishCLICK HERE
  • Thinking About Stewardship Video Study (Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann): Full study guide with answers found HERE  //  Video sessions can be viewed or downloaded HERE

Supply List/Supply (guest) Pastors: CLICK HERE



Taxes and Ministers Handbook: CLICK HERE

Treasurer’s Manual: CLICK HERE



Upcoming Events: CLICK HERE



Video Collection on Vimeo: CLICK HERE



Weekly Update Newsletter archive: CLICK HERE

What to do when a pastor receives a call: CLICK HERE

Wives of Pastors Retreat: CLICK HERE


Youth Gatherings: CLICK HERE

Youth Ministry Resources: CLICK HERE