Parish Health Resources

Includes resources on parish nursing and congregational wellness ministries

About Parish Health and Wellness

  • The Nebraska District supports parish health, and congregational/church worker wellness ministries. This is offered through:
    Guidance for starting a parish health ministry
  • Ministry ideas to implement at your congregation
  • Equipping and networking through workshops
  • LCMS Parish Nursing Directory
  • Parish Nurse Newsletters

To start a new ministry or strengthen an existing one, contact the District Representative for Parish Nursing and Congregational Health Ministry at or 402-643-0664.

Parish Nursing and Health Contact

Christine Blanke, the Nebraska District Representative for Parish Nursing and Congregational Health Ministry, can be contacted at or 402-643-0664.

Template for making calls to older adults and those with chronic health conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak

Parish Nurse Chris Blanke has produced a guide that can be used by congregations who are making calls to older adults and those with chronic health conditions. It is a step-by-step set of prompts and resources to offer special assistance to those in at-risk categories.  You can download that updated document by clicking on this link.

Education Opportunities

2022 Parish Nurse and Congregational Health Ministries Conference brochure

Concordia University, Wisconsin Parish Nursing Courses

LCMS Health Ministry Portfolio Review

Portfolio Review is possible for persons who have completed a self-directed study with experience as a parish nurse but have not completed a formal educational program. Persons desiring a portfolio review must complete an application and interview prior to initiating the review process. Upon successful completion of the portfolio review, the parish nurse will receive a Certificate of Completion, a parish nurse pin and listing in the LCMS Directory of Parish Nurses.

Parish Nursing Video Curriculum

Parish Nurse Lecture Series Video Archive

Parish Nurse Resource Manual

Parish Health Bulletin Content

The information below may be included as needed in your congregation’s bulletins and newsletters. Please contact Christine Blanke with any questions about these materials.


Gambling Assistance

Colorectal Screening

Mental Health and Well-Being

How’s Your Sleep?

Exercise in the Congregation (video)

Managing Holiday Stress (Thanksgiving-Christmas)

Parish Health Resource Library

The resources below have been produced by various Synod entities. If you have a resource you would like to see added to this collection, contact

Parish Nurse Resource Manual

Domestic Violence Intervention Training Manual

Intergenerational Ministry

LCMS Disabilities Resources by Service

LCMS Disabilities Resources by State

One Body Many Parts Disability Ministry Brochure

Rural and Small Town Mission—Parish Nursing

Lutheran Witness Health Ministry Focus

Confirmation and Bible Class Resources for Ministry to People with Learning Challenges

Disability Ministry Assessment Tool

Improving Ministry Accessibility

Ministry To and With People Who are Blind

Ministry To and With People Who are Deaf

Ministry to People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

Ministry to People with Mental Illness and their Families

Ministry to People with Physical and Mobility Disabilities

Helpful Apps for People with Disabilities

Reading Suggestions for People with Disabilities

God's Presence in Suffering: The Theology of the Cross

Lutheran Witness Health Ministry Focus

LCMS Disabilities Task Force Speakers Bureau

Special Education

Organizations Ministering to People with Disabilities

Quotes Relevant to People with Disabilities

Bible Study: Think About the Body of Christ (Leader Guide)

Bible Study: Think About the Body of Christ

Autism Spectrum Needs: Jumping Off the Communion Rails

Autism and the Church: What Does This Mean?

Autism in Lutheran Schools?

Accessibility—Building the Right Ramp

A Special Education Teacher’s Perspective of the New Explanation of Luther’s Small Catechism

Autism and the Church: What Does This Mean?

A Lutheran Perspective on Well-Being