The Nebraska District LCMS operates on a January 31 fiscal year. Our 2022 total expenses started February 1, 2022 and continued through January 31, 2023. The three primary sources of funds for the Nebraska District include: congregational remittances (contributions which are not restricted or designated), restricted gifts and grants (any gift restricted by the donor as to how or when it must be used), and other funds such as unrestricted interest, event registration fees, reimbursments, etc. Please note: 2022 expenses were calculated pre-audit.

Our budget is divided into six primary areas:

1. Synodical Support

The Nebraska District continues to be one of the top supporting districts in the Synod. These gifts help the LCMS connect with over 90 church bodies around the world in ministry and mercy.
2022 total: $750,000     2023 budget: $750,000

2. North American Missions

This category includes projects such as campus ministry in Nebraska, the Sandhills and Winnebago ministries, multiethnic outreach, congregational and church worker care, human care, and disaster relief. (As of 2023, the Sandhills Ministry is financially independent.)
2022 total: $736,999     2023 budget: $916,932

3. Preparing Church Workers

The District supports and encourages college students studying for church work with a number of scholarships and also sets aside funds for rostered church worker debt relief. This budget area also includes tuition aid for families sending their children to Lutheran grade schools.
2022 total: $195,329     2023 budget: $194,017

convention logo4. Direct Services to Congregations

Direct services includes categories such as parochial and parish education, youth services, youth gatherings, events, stewardship, revitalization, congregational nurture, and government advocacy for eduction.
2022 total: $474,197     2023 budget: $734,290

5. Mission and Ministry Support

This category includes communications; the District archives; gift planning services for congregations, schools, and members; and services of Lutheran Church Extension Fund for ministries, members, and church workers.
2022 total: $747,980     2023 budget: $890,466

6. Ecclesiastical Supervision

The District President works with circuit visitors and pastors to foster a culture of joy, loving acceptance, community, and loving correction. Gatherings and conferences build discipleship for consistent participation, substantive study, and healthy accountability.
2022 total: $267,536     2023 budget: $296,839

The Nebraska District LCMS Board, during its quarterly meeting in early March, extended thanks to District congregations for their continued financial support and discussed how to better communicate the ways this support is used for mission and ministry.

Congregational support during the fiscal year that ended January 31, 2023, exceeded budget by $67,000. Congregational remittance supports Synod ministries, North American missions (including campus ministry and disaster relief), ecclesiastical supervision provided by District staff, and church worker support (including financial assistance); provides leadership and support for Lutheran education throughout the district; as well as providing budget, salary, and benefit guidance to ministries. Last year, 65 District congregations increased their support from the previous year, including 33 congregations that increased their support by 20 percent or greater. We are grateful for this generosity.

The board has relaunched an effort to give presentations to congregations about how the District operates and how their financial support is used. Recent presentations have been given to Peace, Grand Island; Trinity, Fremont; and St. John, Battle Creek. The board hopes to make presentations in every District congregation during the coming years. To request a presentation at your congregation, email Kevin Warneke at [email protected].

The District Board of Directors is comprised of the District president, four regional vice-presidents (clergy), eight lay members, two commissioned members, and the District Treasurer. Board members are elected during District conventions or appointed by the Board to fill vacancies between conventions. Visit to see the current board roster.