District Ministries

The Lord is giving Christians in Nebraska a tremendous opportunity right now to share the Good News of Jesus with those who don’t know Him. God has brought the mission field to Nebraska and instructed us to let our light shine among them.
Thanks to the generosity of District members and congregations through regular offering gifts and special designated gifts, the Nebraska District is able to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to those around Nebraska who have never heard of Him.
Your prayer support is always needed. Please pray for our workers and volunteers and for the lives they touch each day, that the seed of the Gospel may be planted and nourished.
Contact Mission and Ministry
- Email Rev. Lonnie Jacobsen: [email protected]
- Email our Missions assistant, Kim Hofer: [email protected]
- 1-402-643-2961, 1014
Campus Ministry
Help us minister to your students by sharing the names of students in your congregation. Get them connected to Nebraska campus ministries at this link. An LCMS pastor or campus ministry worker will contact the student personally to share information about their local Lutheran campus ministry and ways to get involved.
Curtis: Harvest Fields Campus Ministry, a ministry of St. John’s in Curtis, seeks to serve the students of Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. For more information, contact Rev.James Peterson.
Kearney: Holy Cross Campus Ministry, a ministry of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, serves the students of the University of Nebraska at Kearney through fellowship, Bible study, and an off-campus place to hang out in a Christian atmosphere. Students are encouraged to worship and connect with the families of faith at Holy Cross or Zion Lutheran Churches in Kearney. Megan Barone serves the ministry as ministry coordinator. Learn more here.
Lincoln: The University Lutheran Chapel is located close to the city campus of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. The Chapel ministers to traditional and international students of the University and surrounding colleges. Fellowship at The Chapel helps college students experience the love of Jesus and live out that hope on campus.
Omaha: The Omaha area campus ministry initiative is Echo, wholly dedicated to echoing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the fellowship and discipleship of Christian students. For questions or more information, please contact Rev. Eric Jay at [email protected], visit Echo at their website, or on Facebook.
Wayne: Cup of Grace is located just south of the Willow Bowl at Wayne State College. Cup of Grace is a Christian Coffee House that provides a place to meet, study and share in the Word of God. Connect with Cup of Grace by contacting Rev. Michael Buchhorn at [email protected] or calling Grace Lutheran Church, Wayne at 402-375-1905.
Click here to find and get connected to an LCMS campus ministry in another state.
You can also click here to locate an LCMS congregation near a college or university and contact them directly.
People of the Book Lutheran Outreach (POBLO)
We are exploring new partnerships with People of the Book Lutheran Outreach (POBLO) in Nebraska. More information to come soon.
Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Outreach, Winnebago
The Winnebago Reservation in Northeast Nebraska is home to 2,500 Nebraskans, mostly Winnebago (Ho-Chunk) Indians. God is reaching out to these people through His missionary Pastor Ricky Jacob.
There has been a Christian presence here since the 1980’s, but Pastor Jacob began his ministry here in 1993. He has provided a Lutheran message to the people of this area since then. Pastor Jacob offers the people many opportunities for spiritual learning and growth. There is Divine worship and Sunday school every week, as well as home Bible studies and weekly confirmation classes. Pastor Jacob also makes visits to those in jail, treatment centers, and hospitals. Every week he also leads a spiritual talking circle, as well as a Divine service, at the Ho-Chunk Youth Facility. The Outreach recently began offering an after-school program once a week for school-aged children in the community.
This ministry is also involved in the community and is reaching out in many different ways. Each summer there is Vacation Bible School for the children of the community, taught by volunteers from other LCMS congregations.
In 1998, Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Preschool was started with Mrs. Jana Inglehart as its teacher. Sheryl Tietz took over as preschool teacher in 2010. This preschool welcomes three and four year-olds to come and learn about their Lord and Savior in an educational environment. This is now operated by the Jesus Our Savior Lutheran School Association.
The vision for this ministry is to establish a Christ-centered Native-led ministry that offers Word and Sacrament ministry and is supported by the community.
Pastor Jacob continues to work to bring the Good News of our Lord and Savior to the entire community of Winnebago. He notes the Winnebago people have a rich heritage, their own language, their own celebrations and humor, as well as a unique way of perceiving the world around them which impacts how they live and what they value. Pastor Jacob is witnessing to these people and working, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to make Jesus Christ part of their community as well.
The ministry of Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Outreach and the work of Rev. Jacob is supported by the 246 congregations of the Nebraska District through their unrestricted mission and ministry dollars, along with individual donors. As a ministry of the Nebraska District, this outreach is funded through the Nebraska District’s annual mission budget. Direct donations may be made to the Nebraska District LCMS, PO Box 407, Seward, NE 68434 with the memo: Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Outreach. Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Preschool is a Recognized Service Organization of the LCMS and is supported by direct donations and the fees paid by the students who attend. Donations for the preschool ministry may be sent to Jesus Our Savior Lutheran School Association, P.O. Box 105, Winnebago, NE 68071.
Siouxland Hispanic Ministry
Hope Lutheran Church is South Sioux City, Nebraska, is engaging the Hispanic and immigrant populations around them through English classes, acts of mercy, and Sunday afternoon worship services. As a partner with other LCMS congregations in the area, they are showing the love of Jesus to their neighbors across state and cultural boundaries.
Support District Missions with your Gifts
District ministries are funded through your generosity. You can make a restricted gift to a specific ministry project from the ones listed above, or give to district ministries in general. Learn more about making gifts to support mission and ministry here at our giving page.
Missions & Outreach Resources
We have a variety of resources available to help congregations, schools, and individuals reach out to their community.
Every One His Witness Lutheran Outreach
Lutheran Heritage Foundation (multilingual resources)
Mission and Ministry Stories in the District
Parish Health and Wellness Resources
Resources on Social Issues (LCMS resources)