by Kimberly Myers | Aug 31, 2023 | Resources for Congregations, Stewardship and Generosity
Nebraska District LCMS President, Rev. Richard Snow, Invites Congregations to Take Part in the 2024 Stewardship Emphasis Our generous God invites us by grace into a life reflecting His generosity. From the widow’s mite to the unjust manager, Jesus shared many...
by Kimberly Myers | Aug 30, 2023 | Life Together
District Board Learns About Ministry in Action at University Chapel Members of the Nebraska District LC-MS Board of Directors, meeting Friday at University Lutheran Chapel in Lincoln, were excited to hear from the chapel’s new pastor and learn about the...
by Kimberly Myers | Aug 16, 2023 | Life Together
‘We Preach Christ Crucified’: 2023 Convention Wrap-Up The 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod was held July 29-August 3 in Milwaukee. In addition to daily worship, the Synod convention included time for delegates to elect members of various...
by Kimberly Myers | Jul 26, 2023 | Mission & Ministry, Stewardship and Generosity
Lutheran Church Extension Fund Powers Education and Outreach Zion, Pierce, is continuing its long history of school ministry through the construction of a new two-story school building which will replace the congregation’s aging 1915 school building. The congregation...
by Kimberly Myers | Jul 26, 2023 | Mission & Ministry, Stewardship and Generosity
Frank & Denise Koch Provide Blessings for both Family and Ministry “The gifts of our work here on earth will benefit and carry on the Lord’s work for many years to come! It is exciting to be able to share God’s blessings over time and hopefully instill in our...