Contact Us
The Nebraska District LCMS office is open from 8-5, Monday to Friday.
Nebraska District LCMS
PO Box 407
152 South Columbia Avenue
Seward, NE 68434
Board of Directors
Click here to learn about our current Board of Directors
Circuit Visitors
Click here to see our current Circuit Visitors
Find a Congregation, School, Worker, or Auxiliary
Contact the District office by phone at 1-402-643-2961. If you have a general question, you may dial “0” and leave a message in the message center, or email [email protected].
To contact District staff directly, please use the following extensions or email addresses:
District President’s Office
Contact the President’s Office: 1-402-643-2961, 1014
Email President Snow: [email protected]
Email Kim Hofer: [email protected]
Rev. Richard Snow, District President — Serves as an advisor to the church workers of the District, as a visitor to congregations and church workers in times of celebration or difficulty, and as a leader in ministry to the members of the Nebraska District.
Kim Hofer, District President’s Assistant — Helps pastors and congregations with call documents and forms, and with candidate pastor placement or vicarage assignments into congregations. Kim also assists with the District archives.
Education and Youth Office
Contact the Education & Youth Office: 1-402-643-2961, 1010
Email Bob Ziegler: [email protected]
Email Candi Menze: [email protected]
Bob Ziegler, Education and Youth Ministries — Consults with congregations and commissioned ministers regarding the call process and ministry opportunities. He is also available to resource congregations in the area of youth ministry.
Candi Menze, Assistant for Education and Youth — Helps with call documents and forms for teachers and DCEs. She is a vital part of coordinating Middle and High School Youth Gatherings, and the District Convention.
Business and Finance Office
Contact the Business & Finance Office: 1-402-643-2961, 1007
Email Elijah Luebbe (treasurer): [email protected] Call Elijah Luebbe: 1-402-643-2961, extension 1005
Call Joyce Bruha: 1-402-643-2961, 1011 Email Joyce Bruha: [email protected]
Call Brenda Erickson: 1-402-643-2961, 1006 Email Brenda Erickson: [email protected]
Elijah Luebbe, District Treasurer — Available to help with ministry resources, congregational finance questions, worker benefit plans, and to make presentations. He is also very willing to meet with congregations and individuals to discuss finance issues.
Joyce Bruha, Assistant for Finance and Gift Planning — Helps answer questions in the treasurer’s office, makes appointments with the treasurer, and assists with your gift planning needs.
Brenda Erickson, Bookkeeper — Assists the Nebraska District in the areas of accounts receivable and accounts payable.
District Mission and Ministry Office
Contact the office of District Mission & Ministry: 1-402-643-2961, 1014
Email Rev. Jacobsen: [email protected]
Email our Missions assistant, Kim Hofer: [email protected]
Rev. Lonnie Jacobsen, Executive Assistant to the President for Mission and Ministry — Works with congregations to help them see the mission fields in their communities and how they can share the love of Jesus with those around them. He also works with the ministries of the Nebraska District.
Kim Hofer, Mission and Ministry Assistant — Helps pastors and congregations with call documents and forms, and with candidate pastor placement or vicarage assignments into congregations. Kim also assists with the District archives and Mission and Ministry.
Lifelong Pastoral Formation Office
Contact Dr. Seifert by email at [email protected]
Email Dr. Seifert’s assistant, Joyce Bruha: [email protected]
Dr. Vanessa Seifert, Lifelong Pastoral Formation — Assists the district president and staff to maintain an intentional focus on discipleship formation in district conferences, retreats, and training events. Through Leadership Learning Communities and individual coaching sessions, she assists pastors in personal development plans and ministry sabbaticals. Learn more about Seifert Leadership Consulting here.
Church Worker Care Office
Contact the office of Church Worker Wellness by calling the GracePoint Institute for Relational Health office: 402-614-6287 or visit their website
Email Rev. Dr. Justin Hannemann: [email protected]
Email Dr. Hannemann’s assistant, Joyce Bruha: [email protected]
Rev. Dr. Justin Hannemann, Church Worker Care — Rev. Dr. Justin Hannemann and GracePoint Institute for Relational Health are contracted to serve our Nebraska District church workers and their families. Contact Joyce Bruha for more information.
Nebraska District Lutheran Church Extension Fund
Contact Nebraska District Lutheran Church Extension Fund: (913) 221-8999
Email Nate Meier: [email protected]
Nathan Meier, Nebraska District LCEF Vice-President — Helps with LCEF loan and investor services. He is very willing to meet with congregations and individuals to discuss the many services LCEF offers, as well as finance and stewardship issues.
Gift Planning and LCMS Foundation
Contact Nebraska District Gift Planning/LCMS Foundation: 1-402-643-2961, 1002
Email Craig Stirtz: [email protected]
Email Craig Stirtz’s assistant, Joyce Bruha: [email protected]
Craig Stirtz, LCMS Foundation and Gift Planning — Serves all ministries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, providing creative alternatives for you to give to the Lord’s work through direct gifts, annuities, wills, life income, and trust agreements.
Mission Central
Contact Mission Development: Visit the Mission Central website or call 712-882-1029
Email Gary Thies: [email protected]
Gary Thies, Mission Development Counselor — As part of Mission Central, he visits congregations, schools, and individuals to encourage them to adopt, financially and through prayer, mission projects and missionaries, and become involved in missions through prayer and support.
Contact Communications: 1-402-643-2961, 1009
Email Kim Myers: [email protected]
Kimberly Myers, Director of Communications — Serves the District by producing print and digital media, including the Reporter, the weekly update email, church worker obituaries, and the District website.