by Kimberly Myers | Aug 20, 2021 | Campus Ministry, Mission & Ministry
Connect your students to Lutheran campus ministries This summer, Holy Cross Campus Ministry from Kearney and University Lutheran Chapel from Lincoln went on a joint hiking trip to Leadville, Colorado, with a small but mighty group. They enjoyed the hospitality...
by Kimberly Myers | Aug 8, 2021 | Campus Ministry, Life Together
The Nebraska District LCMS would like to help college students, especially incoming freshmen, get connected to Christian fellowship and fun at college. Church offices, parents, or students are asked to visit Lutheran Campus Ministry’s StudentConnect webpage and submit...
by Kimberly Myers | Feb 22, 2021 | Life Together
Lutheran schools have been a prominent feature of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod since its formation. Before public schools were available and before Sunday schools were popular, each LCMS congregation was expected to operate a school if it was to become a member...
by Kimberly Myers | Feb 22, 2021 | Life Together
Stewardship resources for all congregations Jesus has called each of us to be His disciples. As His disciples, we follow Him and learn from Him as we read and study His Word. His love for us compels us to encourage others to follow Him and become His disciples....
by Kimberly Myers | Feb 22, 2021 | Campus Ministry, Mission & Ministry
You might have heard the story about a man whose boat sank while he was sailing on the ocean. Fearing he would die, he prayed that God would rescue him. While he was praying, he refused an offer of help from three passing boats because he was waiting for God’s help,...