Join us for our 2024 Stewardship Emphasis: Consecrated Stewards
This grace-based, biblical stewardship program is designed to energize members in their service to Jesus and His church.
Learn more HERE.
Stewardship Resources from Lutheran Church Extension Fund
LCEF’s Consecrated Stewards program offers a full-congregation approach tostewardship education. Designed to energize your members in their ongoing giving, the program is not tied to the church budget but rather to your members’ desire to give. LCEF also offers a program called StewardPath, intended to reconnect your members to your congregation’s ministries while encouraging them to live as faithful stewards of the Lord’s gifts every day. They also help congregations access various steward-focused Bible studies from around the Synod. These vary in focus, length and accessibility. Click here for more information and to contact Nate Meier, LCEF District Vice President.
Stewardship & Finance Resources from the Nebraska District
- Planned Giving in the District
- Business & Finance Resources for Congregations (including compensation and benefits for workers, congregational remittances, etc.)
- District Treasurer Elijah Luebbe is available to help with ministry resources, congregational finance questions, worker benefit plans, and to make presentations. Email Elijah Luebbe (treasurer): [email protected] Call Elijah Luebbe: 1-402-643-2961, extension 1005
Stewardship Bible Studies for Congregations
All content below can be printed and shared in your congregation. Videos may also be downloaded for use without internet.
Five Types of Stewardship sermon and Bible study series
- Firstfruits Giving: Bible study and sermon notes
- Sacrificial Giving: Bible study and sermon notes
- Regular Giving: Bible study and sermon notes
- Committed Giving: Bible study and sermon notes
- Joyful Giving: Bible study and sermon notes
Thinking about Stewardship: A Bible Study Considering God’s Plan for the Lives of his People
By Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann, professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
- Session 1: Study guide and video
- Session 2: Study guide and video
- Session 3: Study guide and video
- Session 4: Study guide and video
- Session 5: Study guide and video
- Session 6: Study guide and video
- Full study guide with answers
Stewardship Resources from LWML
- 4 Stewardship Tips for the Next Generation
- 5 Images of the Giving Christian
- 5 Stewardship Principles
- 8 “T”s of Stewardship
- More stewardship content may be found on the LWML website.
Stewardship Resources from Synod
- The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers resources to help congregations grow in their understanding and implementation of a life of stewardship.
- StewardCAST monthly newsletter from LCMS Stewardship Ministry
- Free ebook Stewardship Under the Cross: Stewardship for the Confessional Lutheran Parish
- The LCMS Stewardship Ministry A-Z resource collection
- Bulletin sentences and newsletter articles on stewardship topics
- LCMS Rural and Small Town Mission webinar on stewardship