Board Learns of Efforts to Boost Lutheran Education in District

The Nebraska District LCMS Board of Directors, during its quarterly meeting on September 6, 2024, received an update about several efforts to launch Lutheran schools in the state.

Board members met at Camp Luther and received an overview from Bruce Wall, who serves as Camp Luther director and also as District board member, of the ministry work that occurs throughout the year.

Board members learned that efforts to bring a Lutheran school to Fremont reached a milestone recently as the school is now listed on the LCMS roster of schools. A similar effort is underway in Sarpy County. Three other District congregations are exploring opportunities to launch a Lutheran school in their communities, according to Bob Ziegler, District executive for education and youth ministry.

Board members also received an update about plans for the 2025 District Convention scheduled for June 20 and 21 in Kearney.

The Board’s next meeting is December 6 in Seward.

An Opportunity to Learn More about the Nebraska District

Would your congregation like to learn more about the many ways the Nebraska District serves you, one of its member congregations?

Members of your Nebraska District LCMS Board seek opportunities to visit with congregations in the region they represent. These presentations can be given to your leadership boards, during education hour, or during congregational meetings.

To schedule a presentation at your congregation, email Kevin Warneke at He will put you in contact with the board members who represent your region to schedule a presentation.