District Board Ratifies Audit, Thanks Pettit for His Service
Among the business conducted during its quarterly meeting on June 2, 2023, members of the Nebraska District LCMS Board of Directors ratified the audit report that had been returned without concerns. The audit was for the most recent fiscal year, which ended January 31.
In other business, the board recommended a 5 percent base pay adjustment for the 2024 compensation and benefit guidelines for district clergy, teachers, and other church workers. Board members also received an update about work being done by a committee comprised of staff and board to review the District’s vision and mission statement, guiding principles and desired outcomes.
Mark Cannon, chief financial officer for the LCMS Foundation, reviewed the District’s recent investment returns with the board, and Rev. Eric Kennaugh, vice president, ministry solutions for the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, discussed the services LCEF provides, including capital campaign consultation.
Board members thanked Paul Pettit for more than three decades of service as District treasurer and presented him with a gift. Several former board members attended the thank-you luncheon.
The next quarterly board meeting is set for August 25.