Updated Resource for Congregations: Visit our Congregational Resources page for the 2025 Suggested Compensation and Benefit Guidelines. These guidelines help you balance the needs of your congregation/school ministry with the needs of our workers, and to be good stewards of the resources that God provides for ministry in our place and time.
It’s time to get students connected to campus ministry. Campus ministry can help keep students connected to the Body of Christ through regular worship opportunities, Bible studies, relationships with mature Christians, and fellowship in a Christian atmosphere. Share your student’s contact information with our campus ministries to help keep them growing in their personal relationship with Christ during their time away at college. https://ndlcms.org/campus-ministry/*Congregations are encouraged to add the information above to their newsletters. A slide is available here for digital/print sharing.
The Board of Directors has chosen to make student loan repayment grants available for rostered church workers each year. Church workers are eligible to apply if they are: rostered Nebraska LCMS church workers who are members in good standing of a Nebraska District LCMS congregation; full-time workers who have incurred higher education debt while in pursuit of their professional church work degree; currently full-time church workers who have completed at least one year of full-time church work as a member of the Nebraska District.
This year awards of $1,136 were made to 22 Church Worker applicants.
Learn more about church worker debt retirement, including how to make a donation in support of this project, at https://ndlcms.org/worker-debt/.
Preparations for the 2024 Nebraska District Middle School Youth Gathering are being made. The theme for our gathering, scheduled for November 9-10 at Lincoln Lutheran Middle/High School in Lincoln, is GrOw. It is important for middle school youth to be reminded that every day we are called to GROW in the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ as we learn how God PLANTS a seed of faith in us through baptism, PRUNES our lives for growth, and calls us to live by the Spirit to PRODUCE fruit for Him that lasts an eternity. This year’s theme is based on 2 Peter 3:18 and will encourage youth to GrOw continually!
Register as soon as possible. We are limited to 450 participants. Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. If your registration is postmarked by September 30, the fee is $105 per person. Between October 1 & October 15, registration is $115 per person. After October 15, registration is considered late, and the fee will be $140 per person. Details about the gathering can be found on the event page here.