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 Serving God’s Family—Living His Good News

Designated Gift Opportunities in the Nebraska District

Other Nebraska District Personalized Giving Opportunities may be made available. Please contact [email protected] for more options. To make a designated gift online, choose the title of one of the options below and enter it in the “restricted gifts” space on our giving page. To make a designated gift by check, please include a note with “restricted gift” and the title of one of the options below.

*If opportunities are no longer available or in need of funding, gifts may be designated to the general Cultivate, Connect, or Care funds.

We CULTIVATE relationships so that the body of Christ shares His love.

cultivate relationships


General “Cultivate” Fund

These funds may be used as needed for cultivating relationships. Or you can give with preference* for one of the following purposes:

District Mission and Ministry Grants

Includes ministry funding and other new mission opportunity grants as they are requested and become available.

Lutheran Church Extension Fund

Provides tools for ministry solutions as well as seeks investments to help provide loans for ministries and workers across the District and Synod.

Nebraska District Missions

Designated for mission and outreach in the Nebraska District, but not designated for any particular mission/ministry.

New Ministries

Provides grants for planting new congregations or starting new ministries in the Nebraska District.


Works with congregations to help them see the mission fields in their communities and how they can share the love of Jesus with those around them, and works with the ministries of the Nebraska District.

Student Aid Scholarships

Supports scholarship opportunities for students going into full-time church work; assists LCMS elementary and secondary schools with funds for granting tuition assistance to families with an identified need. Includes the seminary scholarship endowment.

We CONNECT people in joy-filled community as the Spirit makes and matures disciples of Jesus Christ.


General “Connect” Fund

These funds may be used as needed for connecting people and ministries. Or you can give with preference* for one of the following purposes:

Campus and Young Adult Ministry

Equip and support students and young adults as they serve Jesus where they learn, work and play. Funds may be designated for campus ministry in general, or given with a preference specifically for any Nebraska District campus ministry (Curtis, Kearney, Lincoln, Omaha, or Wayne).

Learn more about campus ministry and get students connected HERE.

Multiethnic Ministry

Provide for human care needs and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with immigrants and refugees from many different ethnic backgrounds. Support dollars may be designated for Multiethnic Ministry in general, or can be given with a preference specifically to the multiethnic ministry of your choice at the District. The support dollar designation could specify an ethnic population such as African Immigrant, Hispanic, Native American, Sudanese, etc.

Youth Services

Supporting congregational youth work as well as larger District and Synod gatherings.

We CARE for the Family of God so that His disciples mature and grow.


General “Care” Fund

These funds may be used as needed for caring for the Family of God. Or you can give with preference* for one of the following purposes:

Ecclesiastical Support

Assisting pastors and congregations with call process and forms, with candidate pastor placement, and vicarage assignments into congregations. Leading church workers and congregations in times of conflict and celebration.

Church Worker Debt Retirement

Helping active Nebraska Church workers reduce their educational debts incurred in preparation for ministry.

Learn more about Church Worker Debt Retirement here.

Congregational and Church Worker Care

Providing opportunities for care and counseling of church workers, including their spiritual, mental, and financial health; leadership development; and education. Preparing the next generation of church workers.

Human Care/Disaster Relief

Parish health and wellness; inner city human care; disaster response and Lutheran Early Response Training including providing a volunteer Disaster Relief coordinator, training individuals and teams to respond to local and national needs, as well as accepting and directing gifts to help those in need.

Gift Planning Services

Helping people create Christian estate plans that bless loved ones and ministry and helping congregations develop and manage endowments including investment opportunities through the LCMS Foundation.

Parish Education

Offering resources and services for educational ministry to the congregations, daycares, preschools, elementary schools, and high schools of the Nebraska District. District staff work with appointed committees to meet the resource needs of congregations and schools and to encourage the various education ministry efforts throughout the District.


Provide resources to help congregations grow in their understanding and implementation of a life of stewardship.

To pay or donate online through our secure payment portal

Click here to visit our secure online Vanco portal to pay by credit card, debit card, or ACH.

To pay or donate by check

Please include a note to indicate what event or ministry you are donating to (for example: Capital Campaign, church worker debt retirement fund, pastors’ conference registration, etc.), make your check out to “Nebraska District LCMS” and mail it to:

Nebraska District LCMS
PO Box 407
Seward, NE 68434

Support the District by other gifts such as IRA distributions, stock, bonds, grain, property, etc.

Gifts of stock, bonds or mutual funds are other options. Start the process by visiting with your financial adviser. Gifts such as property can provide a tax benefit to the donor. Gifts through your IRA distributions allow you to give directly to the campaign or to a District ministry.

If you are 70.5 or older, you can donate up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to the campaign or a district ministry. Start the process by visiting with your financial adviser. Gifts to a campaign or ministry can have an even greater impact when given with a corporate match. Ask the HR manager where you work if your employer has a corporate match.

For questions on any of the options above, please contact Elijah Luebbe at the District office by email ([email protected]) or by phone at 402-643-2961.