
Congregations, circuit forums, official District conferences, and District commissions, committees, and the Board of Directors are encouraged to submit overtures to the Convention on behalf of the ministry that we do together as a Synod, in our District, and internationally.

All overtures must be submitted by January 27, 2025. Having them in the office before this date will allow time to better form the needed number of floor committees to work with overtures for the Convention. Overtures received after this date will be reviewed by a committee to determine if they will be accepted for consideration.

  • Please use the template linked below to format overtures. It is a Microsoft Word document, and the template ensures a consistent layout for all overtures. (This is a tremendous help in preparing the Convention Workbook!)
  • Two copies of the overture must be sent to the District office by January 27, 2025:
    1. One printed paper copy of the overture, signed by two officers of the submitting entity, must be mailed to the Nebraska District Office by January 27, 2025. Mail the signed document to:
         Convention Overtures
         Nebraska District LCMS
         PO Box 407
         Seward, NE 68434
    2. Email a second copy of the overture as a Word document to [email protected] by January 27, 2025.
  • Save a copy of the overture for your records.



Agenda: Convention opens on Friday morning, June 20 and concludes Saturday afternoon, June 21. More information will be available Spring 2025.

Workbook: Available May 2025

Delegate Certification Forms

We need the names and addresses of the voting lay and pastor delegates by January 31, 2025.  To be eligible to vote, the credentials committee must receive the pastoral voting delegate and lay voting delegate names with certification by officers of the congregation. If you have questions about the delegate form or eligibility, please contact Candi Menze at [email protected] or 402-643-2961, ext. 1010.

PASTORAL DELEGATES — Only pastors called to congregations may serve as voting delegates. Team ministries that have multiple pastors will need to decide which pastor will be the voting delegate to the Convention.  If the senior pastor is to be the voting delegate, then the associate/assistant pastor will be an advisory delegate; if the associate/assistant pastor is to be the voting delegate, then the senior pastor will be an advisory delegate.  Vacancy pastors and vicars are not eligible to represent the congregation as a voting delegate.

MULTIPLE PARISHES — send only one voting lay delegate between them.  The multiple parish will need to decide which congregation will send the voting lay delegate in 2025.

At the 2019 LCMS Convention, an amendment to the Bylaws changed Article XII 10 B.  This allows congregations of a multi-congregation parish, other than the one to whom the voting lay delegate belongs, to send an advisory lay delegate to the District Convention.  This will allow all Nebraska District congregations to be represented at the District Convention.

Please complete the Delegate Information Form to certify your voting delegates.  If the congregation(s) in your dual/multiple parish are not represented by your chosen voting lay delegate, you are able (but not required) to send an advisory lay delegate from those other congregation(s).  Advisory delegates have a voice, but no vote.  If you have members who are interested in attending as advisory delegates, please also complete the back side of the Delegate Information Form.