Thank you for helping us retire our debt


Several years ago, the District took a leap of faith. We moved forward with renovation work on the District Office in Seward and University Chapel in Lincoln before the needed funds were in place. Both buildings needed attention—the Chapel especially because the people we were trying to serve told us the building was intimidating and difficult to access. This caused us to evaluate and take action.

Renovation work at the Chapel is now complete, campus ministry continues with students at UNL and other campuses in Lincoln, and now the Chapel is also a ministry center, where people are served in many ways with God’s love and compassion. Concordia University, Nebraska partners with us to offer programs at the Chapel and GracePoint Institute for Relational Health provides Christian counseling to church workers, students, and many others.

Though renovation is complete, our campaign to raise the funds for the renovation projects continues. To date, we have received more than $3.6 million in gifts and pledges. This support has come from 658 individuals and missions, and 89 congregations. We have a $325,411 remaining loan balance due to Lutheran Church Extension Fund, and ask for your support in helping us finish this effort.

We are grateful for our members’ support of the regular ministry of our District and our hope—and request—is that those who are able to will join in to support the vibrant ministry at University Chapel. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to the campaign. Please know that we celebrate every gift, and every gift will assist this important mission and ministry that occurs in our own backyard.

To make a campaign gift, you can send a check to: Nebraska District LCMS, Building Campaign, PO Box 407, Seward, NE, 68434. Or visit our giving page to pay online.

For questions about making a pledge or gift, please contact Joyce Bruha at the District office by email at [email protected] or by phone at 888-643-2961.