About the 2025 Nebraska District LCMS Convention

June 20-21, 2025
Younes Conference Center, Kearney

 More details will be available in the summer/fall of 2024

Contact Us For Assistance

For questions about nominations, contact Candi Menze at candim@ndlcms.org or 402-643-2961, extension 101o

For questions about overtures, contact Joyce Bruha at joyceb@ndlcms.org or 402-643-2961, extension 1011

For questions about the website, contact Kimberly Myers at kimberlym@ndlcms.org or 402-643-2961, extension 1009


Convention Is Coming!








Our Convention Theme and Logo

Our 2025 Convention logo consists of three main parts: a pair of leaves growing around a cross; a hand reaching outward; and a heart which surrounds them. The growing leaves represent how we seek to cultivate relationships so that the body of Christ shares His love. The open hand represents how we connect people in joy-filled community as the Spirit makes and matures disciples of Jesus Christ. The heart represents how we care for the Family of God so that His disciples mature and grow. The pieces of this logo come together to illustrate our vision for the Nebraska District: 
God’s forgiven family walking and working together in God’s mission of making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ.
God’s Family Together—Joined In His Mission.
Our time in Convention will focus on Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21, “that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Bulletin Inserts and Newsletter Content About Nominations

  • Two-sided bulletin insert
  • Slide for announcements
  • Newsletter text:
    Official Notice: 2025 Convention Call for Nominations
    The Committee for Nominations for the 2025 Nebraska District LCMS Convention is seeking nominations for the following offices, boards, and committees: District Secretary, Constitution Committee, Nominations Committee, Board of Regents (Seward). The Committee requests that names be submitted between July 1 and October 18, 2024. Nominations for District President, Vice Presidents, and members of the Board of Directors will open in September 2024. Details can be found at ndlcms.org/convention/.

Convention Timeline and Deadlines

The 2025 Nebraska District Convention will be held June 20-21 at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney. Delegates and guests are welcome to join together and hear about the ministry taking place in the Nebraska District.

Please note the following timeline and deadlines related to planning for the Convention. Please share this important information with members of your congregation. More information can be found in the District’s electronic Reporter and on our website.

July 2024 – Nominations Part 1 (due 10/18/24)

  • The Nominations Committee will accept recommendations for nomination for the following offices, boards, and committees: District Secretary, Nominations Committee, Constitution Committee, and Board of Regents (Concordia, Seward).
  • Recommendations for nomination can be submitted between July 1 and October 18.
  • CLICK HERE for a copy of the call for nominations. The committee requests that you share this information with the members of your congregation starting in July. Feel free to make copies, or share in your newsletters and/or bulletins. 

September 2024 – Overtures (due 1/27/25)

  • Congregations, circuit forums, official District conferences, and District commissions, committees, and the Board of Directors are encouraged to submit overtures to the Convention.
  • Overtures can be submitted to the District Office between September 1 and January 27. 

September 2024 – Nominations Part 2 (due 1/31/25)

  • Nomination packets for District President, Vice Presidents, and Board of Director members will be mailed to each church office. Nominations for this process must be submitted by congregations (not individuals).
  • Completed forms must be returned to the District Secretary by January 31. 

September 2024 – Voting Delegate Information (due 1/31/25)

  • Delegate Information Forms will be mailed to church offices. Each congregation can certify one pastoral voting delegate and one lay voting delegate, as well as an alternate lay delegate.
  • Signed forms must be returned to the District Office by January 31.

September 2024 – Circuit Forums (due 2/1/25)

  • Schedule your circuit forum to elect a circuit visitor prior to the District Convention. This meeting should be held no later than January 16, 2025. The slate of circuit visitors will be ratified at the District Convention in June.
  • Current circuit visitors should submit the report form to the District Secretary noting the results of the election by February 1.

January 2025 – Congregation Statistical Reports (due 2/28/25)

  • Church offices will receive notification of their log-in information needed to submit statistical information electronically.
  • Every congregation should complete the online form and submit it by February 28.

March 2025 – Congregational Assessments (due prior to Convention)

  • Church offices will receive an invoice for their annual assessment. Congregational assessments help to cover the cost of our District Convention, allowing voting and advisory delegates to attend at no cost.
  • All assessments should be paid in full prior to Convention.

April 2025 – Registration (due 5/9/25)

  • Registration materials will be mailed to all rostered church workers and lay voting delegates. A registration form is required from everyone planning to attend (including certified voting delegates).
  • Registration forms are due by May 9.

May 2025 – Convention Workbook

  • All rostered workers and registered delegates will receive a letter and website link to the complete Convention Workbook.
  • Individuals are expected to print any necessary information or bring it on an electronic device as no printed Workbooks or binders will be provided.

May 2025 – Proposed Resolutions/Ballots

  • Announcement of proposed resolutions from the floor committee(s) and candidates for various elections at the District Convention will be shared in the District Weekly Update newsletter. All delegates are subscribed to this list in the spring and asked to remain subscribed until Convention is concluded.
  • Delegates should read all proposed resolutions and candidate profiles prior to discussion and voting.

Your cooperation in following this schedule and meeting these deadlines will help us to plan efficiently for the upcoming Convention. Thank you for your assistance!

Convention questions may be directed to Candi Menze, Convention coordinator, at candim@ndlcms.org, or contact the District Office at 402-643-2961. All Convention information can be found on our website.